Home :: Accessories :: DM-530-F 10" Forsythia full ventilated gel infused memory foam mattress

DM-530-F 10" Forsythia full ventilated gel infused memory foam mattress

DM-530-F 10" Forsythia full ventilated gel infused memory foam mattress
SKU DM-530-F
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DM-530-F 10" Forsythia full ventilated gel infused memory foam mattress. Made of ventilated gel-infused memory foam and supportive high density base foam, our 10-inch mattresses deliver optimal comfort to maintain proper sleep posture while offering targeted support to keep the spine in its natural position. Works well with different types of bed bases, including adjustable bases and box springs. 2.5" Gel infused memory foam, 7.5" supportive high density foam base. Measures 75" x 54" x 10" . Also comes in Twin ,Queen and Eastern King. DM-530-F 10" Forsythia full ventilated gel infused memory foam mattress

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