Home :: Office Furniture :: Desks :: Acme 92750 Inbox zero Levi weathered oak wood finish and black metal frame student computer writing desk with shelf

Acme 92750 Inbox zero Levi weathered oak wood finish and black metal frame student computer writing desk with shelf

Acme 92750 Inbox zero Levi weathered oak wood finish and black metal frame student computer writing desk with shelf
SKU 92750
Weight 44.00 lbs
Suggested Retail: $79.99
save 48%
Our price: $41.99
Acme 92750 Inbox zero Levi weathered oak wood finish and black metal frame student computer writing desk with shelf. Desk measures 39" x 32" x 34" H. Some assembly required. Acme 92750 Inbox zero Levi weathered oak wood finish and black metal frame student computer writing desk with shelf

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